
抗体药/重组蛋白药物是重要的生物制品类型,被广泛用于治疗各种疾病。然而,其生产过程复杂,会产生各种杂质,尤其是CMC工艺残留物如宿主细胞DNA、Protein A残留等,这些残留杂质可能会影响药物的药代动力学、药效学和免疫原性,从而导致不良反应和治疗失败,对药物的安全性、有效性和纯度至关重要,相关法规明确规定,需要对抗体药/重组蛋白药残留杂质进行严格控制,以确保患者的安全和健康。




  • CHO细胞宿主核酸残留检测
  • Pichia pastoris 宿主核酸残留检测
  • E. coli 宿主核酸残留检测
  • HEK293细胞宿主核酸残留检测


CHO细胞在抗体药物的开发和生产中起着至关重要的作用。不仅用于生产常规的单克隆抗体,还被用于生产更复杂的抗体形式,如双特异性抗体(bsAbs)、抗体偶联药物(ADCs)等。它们的高表达能力、稳定性和适应工业生产的特点,使其成为生物制药领域不可或缺的一部分。通过CHO细胞生产的抗体药物,生产工艺中会残留宿主细胞DNA(Host cell DNA/residual DNA, resDNA),这些resDNA会带来潜在的安全问题,如致癌风险、感染性等。为确保抗体药物的安全性和效力,resDNA残留检测是CMC质量控制的关键指标。

我们的resDetect™ CHO resDNA Quantitation Kit (qPCR) ,满足药物CMC生产中对CHO细胞resDNA的质控需求。


Figure 1. High sensitivity and broad dynamic range using the CHO resDNA Quantitation Kit. (A) Typical analysis results obtained with Standard 1 (300 pg/μL) to 6 (3 fg/μL). (B) The standard curve of the 10-fold dilution series. PCR efficiency should be 90-110%.


Figure 2. Assay specificity. Standard curves generated using 10-fold serial dilution of CHO genomic DNA (included in the kit).


1. CHO宿主核酸残留检测试剂盒的引物和探针是什么区域?

CHO HCD检测的引物和探针都来源于中国药典3407章节。

2. 哪个样本前处理试剂盒匹配CHO宿主核酸残留检测?

OPA-R005,resDetect™ resDNA Sample Preparation Kit (Magnetic Beads),其洗脱液的Buffer与qPCR检测体系中的buffer一致,保证检测样本的扩增效率和回收率。同时,OPA-R023是OPA-R005的预分装版本,可用于我司的核酸前处理仪器,节约客户的操作时间。

3. 样本前处理试剂盒是否匹配市面上其他厂家的核酸提取仪器?


4. CHO抗体纯化过程中的特殊复杂中间品是否可以兼容?


5. 前处理过程中Buffer NT、Proteinase K、Buffer LA 是否可以预混?

Buffer NT 与LA,不可以进行预混。如果组分提前进行预混,会有高盐析出,可能导致提前效率降低。可以把Buffer NT和Proteinase K进行预混,节约实验时间。


亲和层析是抗体药物分离和纯化的金标准。Protein A作为一种广泛应用的抗体药物纯化亲和配基,在抗体药物的工艺开发和生产过程中被广泛应用。Protein A的脱落会对药物的产品质量产生影响,因此Protein A 残留量的检测和评估是抗体药物工艺开发过程中至关重要的质控参数之一。resDetect致力于为客户提供完整的抗体药物残留解决方案,针对目前广泛使用的天然Protein A,重组Protein A,MabSelect SuRe,Prism A和Amsphere A3填料已开发商品化的ELISA残留检测试剂盒。

另外,为满足差异化抗体药物的纯化需求,我们还可以为使用Protein L和Protein G填料的客户提供残留检测试剂盒的定制化服务。点击咨询

特别推荐: resDetect™ Universal Protein A Quick ELISA kit (Boiling-free)


普适性 - 适用于检测天然或结构保守的重组Protein A和各种常见的耐碱性Protein A突变体,如MabSelect SuRe™和Prism A亲和配基;

样本前处理简便 - 无需煮沸和离心样本,节省样本处理时间;

准确性 - Protein A标准品按照药典方法进行严格定量和溯源,通过中检院牛血清白蛋白(BSA)中国国家标准(NIFDC代码:140619)进行严格定量,具有可追溯性;

严格的方法学验证 - 可根据要求提供符合ICH标准的验证报告;

高浓度IgG耐受性 - 准确定量高达20 mg /mL抗体中的Protein A水平;


The minimum detectable concentration of different forms of protein A are 40 pg/mL. The minimum detectable concentration was determined by adding twice standard deviations to the mean optical density value of twenty zero standard replicates and calculating the corresponding concentration.


The sample batch samples (6) were tested by ACRO and Competitor C’s Kits. The Protein A final concentration ratio between them is 0.6-3.4.


The same lot (53) samples were tested by those two kits. The acceptable recovery rate of ACRO (RES-A029) was 85%, and competitor C was 21%.


For Bevacizumab and Toripalimab, at low spiked concentration of Protein A (0.01ppm) level, Acro is better than Competitor C; meanwhile at high spiked concentration of Protein A (0.05ppm) level, the recovery rate of both are acceptable. For IVIG, the recovery rate for competitor C is not acceptable at both low and high spiked concentration of Protein A. But the recovery rate performance of ACRO are good at both levels. The results indicated that ACRO (RES-A029) was well tolerated when detecting Protein A residue in 20mg/mL IVIG.


The same batch of sample (8) were tested by ACRO (RES-A929) and competitor P’s kit. The Protein A final concentration ratio between them is 1.1-10.9.


3 samples were purified by Protein G, and no Protein A residue since they were not purified by Protein A. The OD450 signal of 3 samples tested by ACRO(RES-A029) was below the blank+2SD. It means there is no Protein A residue in those samples. But the OD450 signal of the same samples tested by Competitor P was far beyond the blank+2SD. It means there are non-specific binding of Competitor P kit.


For Bevacizumab,the recovery rate for both kits are acceptable at low and high spiked Protein A level.
For Toripalimab, at low spiked concentration of Protein A (0.01ppm) level, Acro is better than Competitor P; meanwhile at high spiked concentration of Protein A (0.05ppm) level, the recovery rate of both are acceptable.
For IVIG, the recovery rate for competitor P is not acceptable at both low and high spiked concentration of Protein A. But the recovery rate performance of ACRO are good at both levels. The results indicated that ACRO (RES-A029) was well tolerated when detecting Protein A residue in 20mg/mL IVIG.

1. RES-A029适用于哪些Protein A配基?

本试剂盒适用于检测天然或结构保守的重组Protein A,以及生物工艺制造应用中的耐碱性重组 Protein A 如MabSelect SuRe™,MaXtar® ARPA ligand (百林科Bio-Link),UniMab® 50 Protein A(苏州纳微科技股份有限公司)。对于其他种类的Protein A突变类型的亲和层析树脂用于抗体纯化,建议从纯化树脂供应商处获取对应的Protein A突变体标准品配基蛋白溶液,作为定量标准品,并在推荐条件下保存,使用时按照试剂盒说明书稀释至标准曲线的浓度范围进行定量。如果纯化树脂供应商无法提供对应的Protein A配基标准品蛋白溶液,您可以选择当前试剂盒中与之最接近的Protein A标准品用于标准曲线建立和检测。

2. 为什么要使用与纯化填料相匹配的标准品来进行Protein A残留检测?

根据美国药典USP 1103关于ELISA酶联免疫分析方法的要求“Quantitative assays determine the quantity of the analyte based on the interpolation of a standard calibration curve with known analyte concentration, run simultaneously in the same assay. This standardshould be an appropriate, preferably homologous, reference or calibration material that is representativeof the analyte(s) of interest. ”监管部门推荐使用匹配的标准品。


图1. 不同来源标准品绘制的标准曲线

比较使用通用试剂盒内的Protein A和PrismA标准品绘制的标曲,吸光值的差异显而易见(图1),可想而知对于使用PrismA填料进行亲和层析的样品,脱落配基残留检测的准确性会大打折扣。因此为了获得更准确的结果,推荐使用与填料匹配的标准品来校准样品的测定!

3. Protein A残留检测实验中,如何确保加标样本检测的准确度?

对于有Protein A残留的样本,由于残留量预先无法预知,建议从低稀释倍数开始稀释样本,每个稀释度下加标某一个中间浓度点的标准品进行加标检测,计算加标回收率。加标量原则上应尽量与待测物含量相等或相近,不能超过待测物含量的3倍,加标后的测定值不能超过方法的测定上限的90%。

例如以下某个样本的Protein A残留检测结果,稀释2倍的样本检测Protein A残留值为1.559,接近定量上限,当加标量为0.2ng/mL时,加标量远远低于残留量,所以回收率不准确。通过加大稀释倍数,稀释后检测值逐渐降低,逐渐接近加标量,从而加标回收率合格。


  • 背景
  • 深度探索我们的resDetect™抗体药与重组蛋白工艺残留质控解决方案
  • 宿主细胞核酸残留检测
  • 亲和配基残留检测