【公司动态】ACROBiosystems brings high affinity anti-BCMA antibodies, attending Fifteenth Annual PEGS Boston 2019


Boston, MA– [April 8th, 2019] – ACROBiosystems, aleading manufacturer of recombinant proteins and critical reagents to the biopharmaindustry, today announced at the PEGS – Protein Engineering Summit thesuccessful completion of isolation and characterization of a large panel ofanti-human BCMA antibodies for the purpose of treating multiple myeloma cancer. This project is based on ACROBiosystems’ X-lab collaboration program,a hub to bridge potential collaborators in biologic drug research and development.This success enables the start of in vivo studies of several promising antibodycandidates leading to filing an Investigational New Drug (IND) application. Thelarge number of leads were discovered using the AbTheneumTM systemdeveloped by Single Cell Technology, Inc.

“Thediscovery of such outstanding set of leads and the completion of a functionalstudy on these antibodies is a key milestone, as well as it shows how we canhelp our customers to accelerate drug development process,” said Mike Chen,CEO.  “Single Cell Technology’s novel approach of antibody discoveryallows us to address many types of oncological conditions.  We are excitedto be advancing novel antibodies towards preclinical studies as part of oureffort to build a platform to offer in-licensingand out-licensing opportunities in biologic drug development. We appreciate theopportunity of working deeply with collaborators and bring the success to interestedpartners in the biopharma industry through ACROBiosystems’ broad channel”

“Westarted the campaign in late 2018 with the superior proteins provided by ACROBiosystems,”said Dr. Chun-Nan Chen, CEO, Single Cell Technology, Inc. “The combination ofACROBiosystems protein portfolio and innovative solution  and support has allowed our rapid discoveryprocess to find hundreds of active BCMA drug leads.”

Inpreparation for the next stages a patent application was filed with the USPTOsecuring the complete sequences of the discovered leads. All of the promisingantibody candidates will be available for licensing by interestedpharmaceutical companies.  Resourcespermitting, some of these candidates will be made IND ready to facilitateexpedited filing for a licensee.

ACROBiosystemswill be exhibiting at booth 521 in the PEGS –Protein Engineering Summit inBoston April 8-12, 2019.


ACROBiosystems is aninternationally recognized manufacturer of recombinant proteins committed toproviding excellence and accelerating the process of target therapeuticdevelopment. ACROBiosystems specializes in mammalian cell-based recombinantprotein production and design of criticalreagents for early and late stages of drug development. Our goal is to supportprofessionals from pharmaceutical companies, CROs and research institutes whoare working on the immunotherapy area by providing high-quality proteins, assay kits and technical resources. ACROBiosystems’ Innovation Lab in Newark,Delaware, offers service capabilities that complement the existing portfolio ofover 1,400 recombinant proteins. The development of the X-lab program offers a platform to enable anyone who has technologies and products to collaborate with each other in drugdevelopment and commercialization.(http://www.acrobiosystems.com/)

About Single Cell Technology, Inc.

Single Cell Technology (SCT) is abiotechnology company in San Jose, CA that has developed a new andrevolutionary approach to antibody discovery. Their AbTheneumTM engineis able to analyze the kinetics and sequence the mRNA from individual antibodysecreting cells.  Antibodies are rapidlyscreened against multiple molecules to measure their affinity and specificity,and mRNA from the cognate light and heavy chains are sequenced by NextGeneration Sequencing (NGS) technology and correctly paired.  SCT integrates advances in multipledisciplines, such as microscale fabrication, molecular biology, precisionmechanical engineering, image processing, NGS, and bioinformatics.  SCT’s approach substantially decreases thetime and investment needed to discover high quality antibodies. (http://www.singlecelltechnology.com/)

Forward-Looking Statements

This news release may contain"forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the PrivateSecurities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The inclusion of forward-lookingstatements should not be regarded as a representation that any of the company\'splans or objectives will be achieved. Forward-looking statements involveinherent risks and uncertainties and a number of important factors could causeactual results to differ materially from those contained in any suchforward-looking statement.  These factorsinclude, but are not limited to uncertainties associated with: drug developmentand regulatory review process, scientific discovery process, competition,pricing environment, financing, intellectual property, and evolution of the marketfor innovative antibody discovery. The company undertakes no obligation topublicly release the result of any revisions to these forward-lookingstatements that may be made to reflect events or circumstances after the datehereof or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.


ACROBiosystems:  Oscar Ouyang, Marketing, mkt@acrobiosystems.com

Single Cell Technology, Inc.: AllisonSchulkins,  allison.schulkins@singlecelltechnology.com.
