时间: 1/8/2018 – 1/12/2018
地点: Hilton San Diego Bayfront, San Diego, CA
重点内容: “Peptalk--蛋白科学周”是全世界每年聚集蛋白领域科研人士最多的盛会。本次会议将于2018年1月8-12日在美国加州,圣地亚哥举办。活动将会吸引超过1300位来自学术界和工业界的生物技术及药学精英参加。这将会是一次知识交流,商务合作,和人脉拓展的绝佳机会。
➣ 重组蛋白治疗
➣ 增强抗体结合和特异性
➣ 新兴的抗体发现技术
➣ 设计下一代癌症免疫疗法
➣ 抗体药缀合物
➣ 双特异性抗体治疗
➣ 推进中枢神经系统生物治疗与穿透血脑屏障
➣ 下一代抗体筛选和发现方法
➣ 新兴的抗体发现技术
➣ 优化生物制剂的开发
➣ 冻干法及新的干燥技术
➣ 蛋白聚合及新的分析工具
➣ 生物治疗的特征
➣ 微粒和杂质的检测和表征
➣ 生物过程分析
➣ 一次性使用技术和连续处理法
➣ 蛋白质纯化和回收
➣ 更高通量的蛋白生产及表征
➣ 工程基因和宿主
➣ 重组蛋白表达和生产
➣ CHO细胞系
➣ 优化表达平台
➣ 工程基因和宿主
➣ 生物催化和生物基础下的化学生产
➣ 微生物生产
本次海报将由Dr. Jae Sly, Director of Strategic Business Development 为大家讲解
Abstract:The T-cell receptor (TCR) repertoire plays a vital role in the immune system and its diversity directly measures immune competence. TCR diversity results from VDJ gene recombination, random insertion, deletion and substitution which generates between 1015 and 1020 clonotypes. With the advent of high-throughput sequencing technology it is now possible to sequence a large number of cells for these genes. Successful high-throughput sequencing and T-cell receptor repertoire analysis requires accurate identification of rare clonal variants and true homologous variants generated from PCR from sequencing errors. Here, we present ClonoMap, a kit and analysis engine combining 5’ Rapid Amplification of cDNA Ends (RACE) and the incorporation of molecular barcodes to allow full-length profiling, improved quantification of clonal variants, and error-free analysis of receptor repertoire diversity. Our cloud based software analyzes raw data, annotates VDJ regions, and clusters clonotypes. The integrated analysis engine also dynamically visualizes repertoire diversity and testing across different sequencing samples. ClonoMap is a robust and reliable research tool that can monitor T cell repertoire changes in cancer immunotherapy, autoimmune diseases, and infectious diseases.
