
  • 属性

    Protein (3)Cell (1)

  • 产品库

    在线 (4)

  • 物种

    Human (4)

  • 标签

    Fc Tag & Avi Tag (1)His Tag (1)Fc Tag (1)

  • 标记

    Biotin-labeled (1)Unconjugated (2)

共 4 项数据
  • 1


Leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptor subfamily B member 3 is also known as LILRB3,ILT-5 or CD85a. LILRB3 plays an role as receptor for class I MHC antigens, which activated upon coligation of LILRB3 and immune receptors, such as FCGR2B and the B-cell receptor. LILRB3 and LILRA6 represent a pair of inhibitory/activating receptors with identical extracellular domains and unknown ligands. LILRB3 can mediate inhibitory signaling via immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibition motifs in its cytoplasmic tail whereas LILRA6 can signal through association with an activating adaptor molecule, FcRγ.
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