H3L (MPXV)产品列表

  • 属性

    Protein (2)Antibody (1)

  • 产品库

    在线 (3)

  • 物种

    Monkeypox virus (strain Zaire-96-I-16) (1)Human (1)Monkeypox virus (Democratic Republic of the Congo) (1)

  • 标签

    His Tag (2)Human IgG1 (1)

  • 标记

    Unconjugated (3)

共 3 项数据
  • 1

H3L (MPXV)分子背景

Monkeypox is a rare zoonosis caused by monkeypox virus, which has become the most serious orthpoxvirus and consists of complex double stranded DNA. The pathogenesis of monkeypox is that the virus invades the body from respiratory mucosa, multiplies in lymphocytes, and incurs into blood producing transient venereal toxemia. after the virus multiplies in cells, the cells can invade the blood and propagate to the skin of the whole body, causing lesions. H3L is similar to Vaccinia virus strain Copenhagen H3L heparin binding surface protein (Cop-H3L) surface membrane protein. There are research reports H3L induced transcriptional perturbations and injuries.
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